With the onset of summer comes the increase in warm days and long leisurely evenings. Evenings that make me crave the best summer drink – Heather’s Porch Swing. I don’t know about you, but the combination of 2020 & 2021 has me longing for some relaxation and good times.
On nights like this I wish for a porch and a porch swing. Do you have one? If so I’m totally jealous and you must let me move in with you right now. You know the kind I’m talking about. The kind that’s on the front of the house with one of those gorgeous, dream about, perfect home, wrap around porches. The kind of porches that you can only dream about if you’re living in a California ranch style 1960’s tract home. We had a porch like that when I was very little, before we moved from the East coast.
After we moved to California however, we had the most perfect location for a hammock – up against the corner of the house, tethered to an orange tree on one side the house on the other, so it was always in the shade. I spent many summers swinging in the shade of that tree reading book after book and eating peaches from our orchard.
Now as a grown up I have my own house in the paradise that is the California Central Coast and I was gifted that very hammock by my parents. Bliss I tell you! So it comes as no surprise that hot days make me want to swing in the shade and eat peaches.
My modern mom solution? An adult beverage that is a bit peachy but with a subtle kick in the pants. This is what I came up with.
Added bonus – since there really aren’t fresh peaches in it you can have it YEAR ROUND. Drink up!
Best Summer Drink: Heather’s Porch Swing
1 part silver tequila
2 parts peach schnapps
2 parts peach flavored syrup
Italian sparkling water
Crushed ice
Fill your glass half way with ice
Add liquor & peach syrup
Top with sparkling water
Stir & enjoy
Happy Summer!

Heather's Porch Swing
- 1 part silver tequila
- 2 parts peach schnapps
- 2 parts peach flavored syrup
- Italian sparkling water
- Crushed ice
- Fill your glass half way with ice
- Add liquor & peach syrup
- Top with sparkling water
- Stir & enjoy
- Happy Summer!